
With novels from all walks of life, we try to put forth quality stories and we read as much as possible in order to keep bringing book recommendations to readers.

Sélection de romans aux genres variés donnant une idée de ce qui est disponible dans la librairie de L'Oiseau Rare.
Pépites littéraires rassemblé par la libraire à l'Oiseau Rare
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Our independent bookstore in Strasbourg also proposes a selection of essays based on feminist and racial issues. These themes are additionally depicted in certain novels, comics and other hand-picked works.
Essays and books on nature, ecology, degrowth and rewilding also have their place on our shelves.

Sélection d’essais féministes donnant une idée de ce qui est disponible dans la librairie à L'Oiseau Rare.
Quelques essais sur le thème d'écologie disponibles à L'Oiseau Rare.
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You can also find illustrated books at L’Oiseau Rare. The bookseller has a soft spot for pop-up and other such interactive books, micro publications, archival images and so on.

Quelques livres illustrés affichés dans la librairie indépendante L'Oiseau Rare.
Quelques oeuvres graphiques/illustrés disponible à la librairie indépendante L'Oiseau Rare.
Quelques objets illustrés/graphiques affichés dans la librairie de L'Oiseau Rare.
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Treat yourself or a loved one to the joy of discovering a hand-picked book from L’Oiseau Rare.

One of Alsace’s independent bookstores, L’Oiseau Rare is also pleased to organise literary events throughout the year. Information about these events is regularly posted on our social network and/or by email.

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